They can be used individually or for multiple teeth and in many cases can be placed as a means to secure a bridge or denture.
Dental Implants WindsorCosmetic veneers are a great way to improve your smile and the appearance of your teeth without the need to alter the tooth underneath very much.
Veneers WindsorThe most common form of tooth loss is gum disease. Gum disease can be divided into two different categories – gingivitis and periodontitis.
Gum TreatmentsInvisalign are discreet, clear aligners that will quickly straighten your teeth!
Full mouth reconstruction refers to extensive dentistry where the patient's mouth will have to be completely rebuilt.
Full Mouth TreatmentSmile makeovers are carried out by utilising an array of different dental equipment, techniques and technologies with the ultimate goal of creating a beautiful, natural smile for the patient.
Smile Design WindsorComposite bonding is a technique used to repair chipped or cracked teeth, fill in gaps between teeth, correct uneven teeth, cover up discolorations on teeth.
Bonding WindsorThe most cost effective way to replace these teeth is to have a denture fitted. We offer two types of denture at Sensura Dental, full arch or partial arch dentures.
Dentures Windsor